Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Letter from Beth & family

Good morning Paul and Sarah,
Just to let you know that Beth had a good night. She is loving going in and out at will, loves the brush mitt, and is putting Freya well and truly in her place!
Will ring you in a couple of days.
Thank you so much.
Julie and Rob Bailey

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Letter from Jed & family

Hi all,

Sorry have not managed to download the pictures of Jed yet.  He’s had a really busy day.  Been on lots of walks.  Went over the Hills and Hollows (a really long walk over fields), he slept for a solid 30 minutes when we got back.  He made us all laugh by trying to dig a hole in the carpet to bury his little chew bone.  He’s made friends with a female whippet – there was a lot of neck rubbing going on.  His favourite toy is a big football and Oliver can’t score goals anymore when Jed is the goalkeeper.  He really seems to be making himself at home and is already part of the family.

He sends you both his love  XXXXXXXXXXXXooooooooooooooo

The Heatons

Letter from Jed & family

Hello Sarah and Paul

Jed has been walked and loved and fussed to death. He is a handsome loveable chap who went to sleep in his basket last night one happy doggy.  He has got a football of his own and is a good goal keeper. He’s not that keen on going down the stairs but we are working on it. Thank you for finding us the perfect dog. We will email  you some pictures later today (when Oli has loaded the photos on to the computer). Will keep in touch with you.

The Heatons xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Letter from Betsy (now Tess) & family

Tess has been with us for a year now and I thought you might like to see what she looks like now.
She seems to have been part of the family for ever and has settled extremely well. she must be one of the friendliest dogs ever. People dogs and other animals are sen as friends. Children allegedlly frightened of dogs, seem to sense that she will do no harm. The only thing that spoils the picture is the new neighbours cat that refuses to play. The rotten thing will position itself between her and the back door and then we have to escort her in! 
Many thanks for such a beautiful girl.
Robin and Elaine Pearson


Letter from Spock (now Shadow) & family

Hello there, Sarah and Paul and all my doggy friends at Wiccaweys!
This is Shadow checking in. I used to be called Spock but my new mummy and daddy have started calling me Shadow cos I'm always trotting around after them like a little, well... er... shadow. (I don't know what that means but I've heard them laugh when they say it and I know laughing is a good sound so it must be a good name.) (AND every time they say Shadow and I go and investigate, I get a treat. So I'm not complaining!)
My new big brother (well, HE thinks he's a big brother - I've already shown him who's the boss around here) is called Silver and he's very sweet and funny and quiet. He's being very patient with me and showing me how things are done around here, cos he knows what to do and I haven't got a clue yet. However, I've learned how to play with Silver in the garden and I even pinch his ball sometimes when he's not looking. (Or even when he is!) (And he's very nice about it.) He's also shown me how to get mummy and daddy to take us for lots of nice walks.
I was a bit frightened in the car when I left Wiccaweys but I sat on Silver and that made it OK and he didn't mind. (I really must tell him one day what a nice chappy he is.) Now I quite like the car cos this morning it took me to Hanchurch Woods and I had a lovely time with LOADS of new smells and new doggy bottoms to sniff.
My mummy and daddy are very nice (they told me to write that) and are amazed at my cuddle-capacity! They're not too keen on the fact that I take a short-cut over the bed instead of going round it, but hey... I'll let them teach me otherwise when I'm good and ready. My mummy and daddy use a lot of words to talk about me (and I don't understand many words yet) but they sound very much like 'lovely' and 'funny' and 'intelligent'. Oh, and 'mischievous'. Ha.
I'm having a bit of a problem writing this cos my paws keep slipping off the keyboard. But I can't ask mummy for help cos she doesn't actually know that I've nipped onto her chair to write this!
Well, must dash. Things to do, bottoms to sniff. I've attached a couple of piccies of me in my new home in case you want to look at them.
Bye for now. Keep up the good work over there.
With cuddles and licks from Shadow XXX


Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Letter from Tigger & family

Hi there, guys.
Remember me? Tigger - the one who disappeared just over two weeks ago.
Well, first of all sorry I wasn't around to welcome you home, Auntie Sarah. I'm jolly glad you're feeling better and you'll just have to imagine the big juicy licks you'd have got if I had been there.
Mum(Ann) and Dad(Barry) say I have to be extra nice to Uncle Paul who sorted everything out and  let me come back to Norfolk with them. He was jolly helpful, even though he must have been very busy and worried about Auntie Sarah.
It seems ages ago but mum says it was Good Friday - two weeks ago - well I'm not too good on time but it was a good Friday for me 'cos I got a new home. We drove home to a village in North West Norfolk and I shared the back seat with a pretty little lass named Katie.More of her later.
Mum and Dad said I was jolly smelly and needed a bath and a haircut. Not the most friendly thing to say to your new best pal, but they persuaded a lady to give me a really good haircut to get rid of the tangles and then I had a bath. I feel so much cooler - just as well, 'cos it's getting hot round here.  Although only part collie - part man of mystery. Mum and Dad don't care what I am, they just think I'm the bee's knees.
Katie - that's the other dog who lives here - and I spend ages running round the garden, playing ball, tugging ropes and furries (she likes teddies - huh, typical girl) and then running in for a big drink and a cuddle. We have playfights sometimes, but I always win them 'cos I'm bigger. She's sneaky, though and beats me at other things without me realising how. I've offered her the chance to be the luckiest girl in the world (my girl) but she says, 'Paws off, you creep'. I won't give up, though.
There are lots of other dogs in the village and I meet loads when we go for walks. My faves are a little Schnauzer called Millie and and big golden lab retriever called Maddie - but I think that would be a bit ambitious on my part. There's loads of ducks in our village - they're fascinating creatures - you run at them and they fly up in the air AND THEN THEY LAND ON THE WATER OF ONE OF THE PONDS! When I'm allowed off the lead I'm going to have a go at that. We go for walks round the ponds and by an airfield and often through lots of fields - there's loads of hares and rabbits and even deer if I keep quiet, but I get excited and frighten them off.
Katie says that we'll go to Holkham beach soon. She says it's HUMUNGOUS and there's lots of  space and puddles of seawater (?) and mum and dad walk for ages. It's all right for her - she's allowed off the lead, but I'm not ready for that yet. I'm learning, though. I'm good at sitting and not bad at waiting. I'm beginning to understand 'Give' and I know 'No' , 'In' and 'Out'. That's usually when the hoover or the lawn mower is going to be switched on, 'cos I don't like either of them.
I've learned how to have my teeth cleaned, too - with a brush and great tasting stuff that I lick off my beard afterwards.
Mum's sent you some photos so you can see how I've changed. There's one of me killing a tennis ball the day after I got to my new home - well, what else was I supposed to do with it? I can't hold a racquet, now can I? There's one of me and Katie playing tug the same afternoon. Then there are three of me with the new haircut. One is me having fun with a chew before I knew how to have my teeth cleaned. One is me sitting by the door to the garden welcoming folk in. The last one is me and my mate Katie on the lawn, looking cute and innocent. Do you think we'll fool anyone?
Anyway, time to go. Katie needs me. (I wish)
Good luck to all you guys still waiting for new homes.


Letter from Archie & family

Hi Sarah and Paul,

As this is Archie's nominated 1st Birthday I thought I would drop you
a line and let you know his progress.

He is a very handsome boy who always has a smile
on his face. I think in a former life he must have been a miner,
because our garden was riddled with holes, until I used my agility
netting to separate the dogs from the flowerbeds. My sister-in-law was
complaining in the spring that she had no colour in her garden, well we
did - orange!

Archie is a very biddable little chap, who soaks up training like a
sponge. He recently took his KC Bronze Test, and did very well, right
up until the last 10 ssecs of the stay, when he got up for a little
wander around! The club have promoted him to the Silver Class though
because he is so good at everything else. 

He has been measured for Agility and came out as Large, seems a bit

unfair he is still quite a bit smaller than the other two. I have also
registered him with the Kennel Club, they wouldn't let me use Wiccaweys
as an affix, though, so he is just Marble Archie. I did his first bit
of agility training yesterday and he seemed to like it and I will be
joining him in a class as soon as we get back from our holiday.

On the subject of holidays, as you know we have a motorhome and Archie

seems to love that too. He is very good and quiet in the van when we
are moving and enjoys playing in our little garden with his toys.We are
off to Scotland tomorrow for 10 days, I think that journey will be a
real test. However we have no plans in the immediate future to take
them all abroad again. Harry is too old (14) to put up with the
stresses of travel to that degree.

In Eleanor's briefing notes she gave us when we collected him, she said
he used to cry to go to bed. Well he doesn't cry anymore, but he still
loves his bed. He puts himself to bed in the kitchen whilst the others
are still watching telly, and although he has his breakfast with the
others at 6.30am, he then comes back up to our room, gets into Harry's
basket and stays there, often until I have to tip him out to go for a
walk at 9.30!

You may remember that I was worried about the two older ones not being
hugely keen on Archie when he was a puppy? Well things are much better;
he and Tweed love to run with each other on walks and play in the
garden quite happily. Harry still has his moments, but Archie does
rather ask for it. Harry is not a cuddly dog and took huge exception
when Archie got into his bed with him last week! Archie also has lots
of other doggie friends that we see regularly, and of course he adores
people, so all in all, a lovely little lad who is now an indispensible
part of our family.

I attach some pictures for you to drool over. He is really too sweet!

Best wishes

Wendy Dugmore
Harry, Tweed and Archie

Letter from Bonnie Pup & family

Hi Everyone
Me and Ernie only have four beds between us. So this is what we do!
The other photo shows how well behaved we are. (Also what a handsome pair we are!!)
Bonnie XX


Letter from Bonnie Pup & family

Hi Mum
I have had a very busy week here. We have been on lots of long walks and Ernie and I play for hours in the garden. But I also have a number of jobs to do - like gardening, feeding the birds and chasing the squirrels away from the bird table. I have to carry out my squirrel chasing responsibilities at least every ten minutes (unless I'm asleep.)  I run out and sit under the bird table and watch the squirrels jump across the branches to get away from me. Oh and dad and I painted some more of the garden fence - dad said I was a great help!
I have shown Ernie how to get in the pond despite dad's elaborate dog proofing. Ernie takes me for a swim in the canal most days and yesterday we swam all the way across and back. I don't swim as often as Ernie does but I race up and down the tow path when he's in the water and show him the best places to get out. Then I help him out by pulling his ear. It's great fun!
Love to you, dad, Bobbie and Baz

Letter from Bella & Mum

Dear Sarah & Paul,

We were so pleased to hear that Sarah is home and hopefully following orders re taking it easy! (Do I hear Paul saying "Yeah, yeah!")

Bella and I had 3 nights away last week in the camper as a trial run for our BIG ADVENTURE which kicks off next week.  We are taking Norman, the camper, as back-up to 4 friends who are walking Hadrian's Wall footpath east to west and tent camping each night. We will r/v with them and do some stretches of the path while staying on the same camp sites as them mostly.  They plan on it taking them 6 days. In
deference to Norman's and my advancing years, and Bella's youth, our trip north will be gentle via the Lincolnshire coast and east Yorkshire where one of the walking couples live. Then 5 of us and 2 dogs head to Northumberland. If the going gets too hard for little Anna, the other dog, I shall give her a lift with B & me - the humans can keep walking!

As you can imagine, whether or not we actually went depended on her response to last week's trip. We only went to the forest barely 20 miles from home and she was a star. Apart from being a bit bewildered the first night (as in "OK mum, we've been in this van 2 hours now, when do we go indoors?") she took to it like the proverbial duck, especially with all the walks she had through the forest and all the people and dogs she met. By the time we came home it was as if she'd been campervanning all her life.  She did learn 3 important points :-
1) Squirrels can climb trees and she can't,

2)Deer are very sneaky and
stay so quiet a girl doesn't know they are there

3) When sharing
a bunk it pays to be on the inside so that it's mum who falls over the

I'll attach a couple of piccies of the girl on squirrel watch - I really need her to get down to some serious packing soon, or she'll only have the clothes she's wearing to take away with her.

Take care, hugs for all the dogs
With our love
Lin & Bella xx

Letter from Jack (nee Max) & Shirley

Hi Sarah & Paul,

Jack has started an agility course, although I have to be honest I don’t think we’ll be filling your trophy cabinet for you as we both get a little bit over excited!! But the boy loves it and can certainly fly round...

I got one of the spectators to take a few pictures of him so that you can see what we’re up to but the ones where he is flying round were too blurry to send lol

I can’t believe that it isn’t a year until July that he moved in, I can’t remember life before him now he just fits in so well it is like he has always been there – THANK YOU so much for putting us together.

Shirley & Jack xx

Letter from Bob & family

Hi Sarah and Paul

Sorry its taken a while to send you pictures of Bob, hope these pics get to you not sure if ive done it right, Bob's settled in really well hes playing football loves his bones/treats

and hes really enjoying life with us as we are with Bob hes top of the class at Beginners training classes most weeks!! were taking him to the seaside this week so hope he enjoys that, Paul will get to chat to you re: squirrell chasing when you get time although we know that is in his DNA we would be grateful of any distraction/recall tips you can help us with.

Bob's really come out of himself and were really pleased with his progress we really cant believe the Bob we now have to the Bob we first saw its lovely to see how happy he is.

Best wishes Jackie Mark Jamie Ramos.

Letter from Kane & Mum

Hi Paul

Glad Sarah is back home - hope you are succeeding in making her rest!

Kane is still doing well and is a great favourite with everyone he meets - except when covered in fox poo, which he has recently discovered. A few weeks ago, he found he could swim - sadly, immediately beforehand he found out that duckweed bears only a superficial resemblence to grass!  He looked so pathetic, soaking wet and swimming madly to the side of the lake.  He went in off a fishing stand so I had to haul him out.

When I am away overnight for football, he's been staying with Jan, one of the 2 walkers who take him out if I'm busy - he peed on her carpet the first time, but has since learnt where he is allowed to go!  He's also done a couple of overnights in kennels (before he was fully house trained) and was a great favourite there as well - he seemed to enjoy the experience, but then he does love other dogs.

I'm attaching a few photos of him, including one with his special friend Archie - I have loads more on my phone as Jan can't resist taking photos of him and sending them to me - and her friends.  A couple of months ago, I was having coffee up at Alexandra Palace when a woman I'd never met exclaimed "I've got a photo of that dog on my phone".  Turned out she was a friend of Jan's who'd received a pic of "this lovely dog".  Do you want me to text some of the phone photos - don't think the quality is good enough for email.


Today was a red letter day - he jumped into the car under his own steam - I've had to lift him in up to now

Letter from Bobby & family

Dear Sarah and Paul,

Hi ya!

Just a quick up date on the Mr. Bobbysox! (yes sorry, it has sort of evolved!) as am on the computer and finishing  the ironing doesn't  really appeal and I have been thinking about doing this as we walk each morning for sometime. No problems! He continues to be a delight and it's difficult to remember not having him around. He's grown/ muscled up and his back end is now almost 2 inches taller than Mads. They were about the same when he first came. He's a fruit cake on walks but hey we can cope with that and has made lots of new friends, human and canine, in the woods. With Mads tutoring, he is keeping the squirrel and deer population on their toes and ensuring they get plenty of  exercise. Such a happy chap! He and Mads are as thick as thieves and totally besotted, playing together endlessly and getting up to allsorts of mischief. There has been some unrequested digging in a flower bed on more than one occasion ("Looking for bones" said Mads!) and several plants have been relocated down the field! Hanging baskets for the summer me thinks! Yesterday I found the pair of them on the drive way surrounded by pegs. Peg bag and laundry basket half way down field. "Counting them mum" Mads said! "The chewed ones? we found them like that Mum!"

We love them both to bits! So thank you again for introducing us and please pass on our thanks to the lovely, caring lady who rescued and brought him down to you. It's so difficult to believe that a dog with such a happy, friendly, eager to please nature could have been abandoned, but I guess he isn't alone by any means! Keep up the good work!

Will keep in touch. Would love to send photos but sorry my ICT skills don't extend that far!

Take care

Penny and Tim, Maddie and Bobby x

Letter from Elle'sBells & family


Sorry only got round to doing it now but thought you would like some photos of Ellie.   She has settled in great and is part of the furniture now :).

From the Whites and lots of love from Bells. x

Letter from Ruby Poodle & family

Hi Sarah and Paul

Some pictures of Ruby with Bertie.  She is a lovely dog and very much loved.

I hope Sarah is feeling a lot better and resting!!  Hard I know.  Broke my arm badly 6 weeks ago and ended up in hospital for three days.  I had to have plates and pins to mend the bone – worse part was they only gave me a local so heard everything going on not very pleasant.

I speak to Judy and Chic most weeks and Poppy is still doing well.  I still think of Monty every day – he was such a special dog it was so sad we had to lose him in such tragic circumstances.

Love to you both and take care

Lots of love Ann, Richard, Bertie and Ruby xx

Letter from Jerry & family

Dear Sarah &  Paul ,

thought id write you a quick letter to let you know how im getting on . On Sunday (15th May  2011) it will be a year since i was adopted and left Wiccaweys with my new family.

Im very happy and am having a lovely time with lots of walks and cuddles .

My Mum and Dad spoil me rotten and my Special brother Tom (if you remember he is Autistic ) makes sure i have plenty of exercise . We play ball together all the time infact hes always raiding my toy box and pinching my favourite toys but then again im always pinching his slippers !!!

I have two favourite places one is Sherwood pines forest and the other is the Seaside . I Iove running around the forest with Tom and chasing the squirrels and the Sea is great ,  i love swimming . 

I was chosen from Wiccaweys because i'm so special and because my family needed the right kind of friend for Tom, we get on so well but i understand that when Tom needs space and time out i need to go out of the way and play on my own for a while .

I am now 18 mths old and mum and dad are so pleased with me because i'm such a good boy always coming back to the lead and always sit down and wait before i cross the road they are always telling me how proud they are of me because im such a well behaved boy.

Thank you again for helping me to find my forever home and please keep up the good work in helping lots of dogs like me.

You and your helpers  are such special people

Must go now, my tennis ball is calling !!!!!!

lots of love