Hi Sarah & Paul
Hope you are both well & had a good Christmas.
Just an update to let you know how Zippy is getting on.
Cant believe its been over four years since we adopted him from you....where has the time gone!
Well, he still lives for his agility, im sure he would do it all day every day if i would let him, hes always 'ready, ready,ready'! He does get a little over excited at times and 'takes his own line', his results really are 'all or nothing', but that's fine by me, as long as hes having fun. He is obsessed with water and should have webbed feet! Swimming is his second passion in life to agility, third, frisby, fourth tennis ball, fifth football....i could go on and on....anything really that expends a lot of energy including going horse riding and cycling (hes very clever but doesn't actually ride the horse or the bike....he runs along behind *:) happy ) When hes not on the go, hes actually the most lazy dog in the house, all he wants to do is curl up on the sofa and sleep.......hes a perfect dog and we wouldn't change him for anything.
Take care of yourselves and all your four legged friends
Love from Sharon, Craig & Zippy xxx
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Update from Lassie
Update from Mollie
It's almost a year since we got Mollie so we thought we'd let you know how she's getting on. These pictures were taken on our hill. It took a while but she is now almost a totally normal collie, if there is such a thing! She has become a part of our family and we couldn't imagine life without her. She already has nearly as many presents as we do from all her friends, canine and human.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas.
Bill, Fiona and Mollie

Update from Gavin
Hi Sarah & Paul.
Gavin - now Fynn has settled in really well . He has such a lovely nature and loves being made a fuss of. He is getting along well with Indy and all the dogs we meet on our walks. His coat is looking lovely now and he lets us know when he needs to go out. We think he is amazing! thank you for letting him be part of our family. Happy Christmas to you and all the dogs at wiccaweys.
Kevin, Sara and family
Gavin - now Fynn has settled in really well . He has such a lovely nature and loves being made a fuss of. He is getting along well with Indy and all the dogs we meet on our walks. His coat is looking lovely now and he lets us know when he needs to go out. We think he is amazing! thank you for letting him be part of our family. Happy Christmas to you and all the dogs at wiccaweys.
Kevin, Sara and family
Update from Mac
Hi Sarah and Paul
I thought you would like an update on Mac, unfortunately he
still barks when left alone but I'm not sure it is all the time as he
is quite when we leave and when we return. He is good most of the time
when meeting a dog for the first time he seems to reflect he other dog
if they are unsure then he is unsure.
However he does have a problem with the dark, he is easily
spooked when out in the dark which results in him staying on lead as he
would run off but he will not go to the toilet when on lead. When it is
dark he will not move away from the door the result being is that he
messes indoors every night taking him out late at night has stopped him
weeing over the last few nights have you any ideas what we could do
Hope you have a great Christmas
Update from Samuel L Jackson
It’s been nearly a year since we adopted Sam, so we thought it was time for an update.
Sam has settled in really well and has become a loving and trusting dog with a zest for life (and the appetite of a small army….). He loves his cuddles, and his sleep (as the photos show!) and has been on holiday with us on a road trip through France and Spain.
He loves running in the woods with our other 3 dogs, and we frequently meet up with about 15 other dogs in a local park and Sam socialises beautifully. He also manages our smallest BC’s anxieties and he adores Toby, Holly and Bailey and they love him too.
Sam is a huge hit with everyone he meets and has even melted Mike’s mum’s heart – they are now best friends, even if he does sleep on her knitting.
I have attached some more photos of Sam – the one where he’s half off the sofa is a favourite with everyone, and shows, I think, how comfy he now is.
Wishing you all the best for Christmas and the New Year.
Tracy, Mike, Toby, Holly, Bailey and Sam!
Update from Benji
Benji is an an absolute delight and had fitted into our family life
from day 1. He is wonderful with the children and they adore him as do
we. Keep us up to date with newsletters etc. Have a wonderful christmas and best wishes for 2015
Sarah Bettis x
Sarah Bettis x
Update from Mags & Molly (nee Madge & Brie)
Update from Rookie
Hello Sarah & Paul,
it's now over six months since Mary & John came up to see me &
gave me a new home. What can i say, life is good, lots of lovely long
walks in the Chilterns, meeting lots of other dogs many of which i have a
good race about with. Made lots of friends, two & four legged. I have a fantastic diet of raw meat & organic veg, my coat now is so shiny & glossy you almost need a
pair of sunglasses to look at it.
These couple of pictures were taken this morning on Watlington Hill. Would like to wish you and all of your four legged friends up at Wiccaweys a very Happy Christmas & New Year.
Woof Woof
Woof Woof
Update from Bess
Update from Max & Paddy
Dogs absolutely gorgeous, both really well behaved. Loving their walks - can we book them in for another bath, they have turned into two black collies! They are having a great time off lead and covered in mud. We are both really glad they chose to come home with us. We love them to bits.
John & Joy
John & Joy
Update from Rory
Rory been for a long walk with Meg. Had tea and now snoozing on a big cushion. Looks like he's always been here. Thank you for letting us have him. I know he will be a delight and bring us much joy in our time together.
Rory been for a long walk with Meg. Had tea and now snoozing on a big cushion. Looks like he's always been here. Thank you for letting us have him. I know he will be a delight and bring us much joy in our time together.
Update from Poppy
Hello all
I was looking over your website today and saw a photo of Poppy in your Rogues gallery between Rafa and Meg with the caption 'Poppy from a family where Poppy was protecting a special needs child from any visitors'. Just to let you know she is doing well and is now 12 years old and we have had her for just over 11 years, she is still very young at heart and very active, she was quite ill a few years back after having a fit not long after having her booster, she has regular check ups and is on medication but apart from that is fine.
Best Wishes
Clive Baker

Thursday, 25 September 2014
Friday, 12 September 2014
Update from Leah
Hi Paul and Sarah,
Leah's settled in really well....long walks and lots of play in the garden...loves a ball ......we've got her registered with the vet already....... she's a lovely little companion and rest assured she has a loving home....thanks for your help and good luck at Wiccaweys.
Janice and Colin walker
Leah's settled in really well....long walks and lots of play in the garden...loves a ball ......we've got her registered with the vet already....... she's a lovely little companion and rest assured she has a loving home....thanks for your help and good luck at Wiccaweys.
Janice and Colin walker
Update from Buddy
Hi Paul and Sarah, just message to say Buddy is doing fine, and getting
lots of cuddles and tummy rubs, still a bit nervous at times, but we all
adjusting to each other, he is a very clever dog. All the best to you
both and your enlarged family. John and Brenda.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Update from Sailor
Dear Sarah and Paul,
It seems ages since Sailor won his Best in Show at the
Corby Carnival! It was a lovely day and real fun.
Thank you!
Sailor’s bark has improved big time and now he sounds
like a normal dog most of the time. We spent a week on
the Broads on a boat which was great fun. Toby was the
first dog to fall in. Luckily everyone had life jackets.
Sailor seems to enjoy paddling but doesn’t appear to see
the point in swimming. He has also realised what food is for.
He is amazingly sneaky about nicking food and I caught him
with a single biscuit out of the packet having left the rest
intact on the table.
A question about herding and nipping….
Sailor sometimes follows Bella around and nips her.
I think maybe she reminded him of something in his past.
We have responded by making sure Bella has lots of treats
for him and is there with him when he eats. He is much
happier too when Bella comes out for walks. His behaviour
seems to be improving and I wonder what else we can do
to help him? His confidence seems to be improving and
he tears across the fields with Toby and is much braver about
exploring on his own. Jemma is well and bimbling around,
still enjoying walks. It’s lovely at this time of year to go out
We have the campervan back!!! 2 years in the garage and
now finally it has an engine that drives. I hope we will come
and see you all in Northamptonshire soon.
I hope you are all well and surrounded by lots of doggy love.
Update from Suki
Hi Paul and Sarah,
Hope you and your dogs are all well and you are
managing to rehome plenty of rescued dogs.
Suki is now very well, after her bladder stone operation,
she is now running everywhere including up and down
the stairs and in the woods with her springer and whippet friends. She has reached her target weight of 19kgs.
She is a really happy slim Suki. We were hoping to do
some agility with her but our vet has found she has a dislocated rear leg, an old injury she has made a new
socket so suffers nothing, so agility is a no no.
She loves our family barbeques, everyone loves her pretty face and gentle nature. So thank you again for picking her
for us.
Lots of love,
John and Rosemary Nicholls.
Hope you and your dogs are all well and you are
managing to rehome plenty of rescued dogs.
Suki is now very well, after her bladder stone operation,
she is now running everywhere including up and down
the stairs and in the woods with her springer and whippet friends. She has reached her target weight of 19kgs.
She is a really happy slim Suki. We were hoping to do
some agility with her but our vet has found she has a dislocated rear leg, an old injury she has made a new
socket so suffers nothing, so agility is a no no.
She loves our family barbeques, everyone loves her pretty face and gentle nature. So thank you again for picking her
for us.
Lots of love,
John and Rosemary Nicholls.
Update from Sheba
Hi I jus stowl thiz big boy ball. Ha ha ha!
I popped it and I take it home..
Mummy emptied my pool (bad mummy)
The vet said no alod swim cos I have itchy arm pit.. Grrrrrr.
I sit in pool look sad :( and she fill it up again! ha ha
Sheba xxxx
Monday, 18 August 2014
Update from Daisy
Thought you might like to see some pics of Daisy at a
year old. She is a happy little soul, loves her obedience training (and
is coming along beautifully), passed her puppy foundation Good Citizen
test and is working on her Bronze and we have recently tried out puppy
agility which she is terrible at but loves so we shall continue to play
at. She is still little and petite, and we think probably crossed with a
spaniel somewhere along the line - she is an enthusiastic "scent" dog
and loves to find things hidden for her in the house or fields. We might
try working trials at some point and see how she gets on, given how
much she seems to enjoy thinking and using her nose.
Hope all is well!
Sarah and Daisy
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Update from Rosie
Dear Paul and Sarah,
It's been a long time but I thought you would like to hear about Rosie's progress since my desperate phone call for help at the beginning of the year. We added another couple of things to the very long list of ways to help Rosie feel less anxious in the evenings and then very suddenly she did. I strongly suspect that in the end it was just a case of time.
A dog trainer friend of ours always said that it takes 3 months for the dog to realise that it is in safe and friendly hands and realise that the new home is actually home and not just another stopping off point. Then it takes another 3 months for some of the less sociable behaviours to go and yet another three months to begin to develop the dog you want to be with for the rest of it's life. In Rosie's case it looks as though she wasn't far off the mark as far as the first period was concerned (we are still working on the last two).
Not only does she settle in the evening (between bouts of activity) but we are now able to leave her on her own at home for short periods of time, which is essential now that the weather is hot and we can't leave her in the car at all. She looks at us reproachfully as we drive off, greets us deliriously when we return and curls up quietly on the sofa in the interim. The house shows no signs that her solitude has been at all stressful for her. I think we learned a lot about her previous life through her behaviour particularly in those first 3 months.
By April we felt confident enough to take her on holiday with us and our confidence was rewarded. OK she wasn't an Angel all the time but she's young. She did however sit through several choir practices and three long services in Tewkesbury Abbey, she ate out with us several times and became a great favourite in some places, there was even a biscuit waiting for her every time we went into one café. What's more she left the self catering cottage that we had hired in as good a state when we left as when we arrived.
We are off again this month and the new experience this time will be a B&B on a farm (fingers crossed). She is still an exuberant collie and does get a bit over excited at times but then she's young and still having new experiences.
We hear a little about Wiccaweys through Douglas and gather that life could be smoother for you and the dogs.
We wish you well. :-)
Elaine Healey
It's been a long time but I thought you would like to hear about Rosie's progress since my desperate phone call for help at the beginning of the year. We added another couple of things to the very long list of ways to help Rosie feel less anxious in the evenings and then very suddenly she did. I strongly suspect that in the end it was just a case of time.
A dog trainer friend of ours always said that it takes 3 months for the dog to realise that it is in safe and friendly hands and realise that the new home is actually home and not just another stopping off point. Then it takes another 3 months for some of the less sociable behaviours to go and yet another three months to begin to develop the dog you want to be with for the rest of it's life. In Rosie's case it looks as though she wasn't far off the mark as far as the first period was concerned (we are still working on the last two).
Not only does she settle in the evening (between bouts of activity) but we are now able to leave her on her own at home for short periods of time, which is essential now that the weather is hot and we can't leave her in the car at all. She looks at us reproachfully as we drive off, greets us deliriously when we return and curls up quietly on the sofa in the interim. The house shows no signs that her solitude has been at all stressful for her. I think we learned a lot about her previous life through her behaviour particularly in those first 3 months.
By April we felt confident enough to take her on holiday with us and our confidence was rewarded. OK she wasn't an Angel all the time but she's young. She did however sit through several choir practices and three long services in Tewkesbury Abbey, she ate out with us several times and became a great favourite in some places, there was even a biscuit waiting for her every time we went into one café. What's more she left the self catering cottage that we had hired in as good a state when we left as when we arrived.
We are off again this month and the new experience this time will be a B&B on a farm (fingers crossed). She is still an exuberant collie and does get a bit over excited at times but then she's young and still having new experiences.
We hear a little about Wiccaweys through Douglas and gather that life could be smoother for you and the dogs.
We wish you well. :-)
Elaine Healey
Update from Rookie (nee Rocky)
Hello everyone, hope you are all well. How time flies, I cannot
believe it's eight weeks today since Mary & John came to collect me.
I've settled in really well & get taken for lots of walks. On some
Sundays we walk up to the dog food shop at Stokenchurch to get my raw
food , it's a five hour round trip, mostly along the Ridgeway. I'm fine
when I get back, maybe a light snooze, but John is absolutely knackered!
first time we went to the river Thames at Wallingford was amazing. We
sat on the bank watching the swans, boats etc. Discovered that I like
digging in the water, I think John is going to attach a photo of me
doing just that.
Just finished a six week basic training
course, it was good to meet the other dogs but was a little bit easy for
so M&J and Julie Meads, the lovely trainer (always has treats on
her) decided that I would love agility, (I agree), so first class on
Friday, can't wait.
M&J saying they should change my name to Beautiful because everyone
who see's me says "isn't he beautiful". Modesty prevents me from
commenting further!
Hope you like the pics, say woof woof to
all my four legged friends up there, and thanks again for the chance of
this fab new life in England.
Bye for now.
Love Rookie xSaturday, 2 August 2014
Update from Musto
Dear Sarah & Paul,
Firstly thank you again for allowing us to make the decision to bring Musto home with us. I think I will always have a regret that I left Poppy behind but the last couple of days with Musto have been a joy and he has settled so well it is clear the decision was right.
One lead returned and I enclose a couple of photos of Musto on our patio. He just loves the space in the garden and is very relaxed out there. He's eating well and is happy to be left at night when we go to bed. I have left him on his own for about 20mins a couple of times and he seemed to cope with that well. Tomorrow I have a meeting in the village so may be away for about an hour so we'll see how he goes. The signs are fine as he hasn't show any separation anxiety so far. The only concerns are his hatred of the car and he is not keen when Robert comes home in his overalls, but as soon as he speaks he's ok - a throwback to his early farming life perhaps? He sits as soon as we hear a car on the lane, but does have a tendency to try and chase once it's passed. I am now aware and make sure this can not happen. Bouncy when you have the inclination to play but happy to lie and watch things when there's no play. Very affectionate. The vet I usually see is on holiday so have an appointment in 10 days when she is back but he is now registered with our vets. Paw still a bit sore but clean and healthy.
Once again thank you for the time you gave to us. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes to you and all your canine friends.
Lesley & Robert Warburton
Firstly thank you again for allowing us to make the decision to bring Musto home with us. I think I will always have a regret that I left Poppy behind but the last couple of days with Musto have been a joy and he has settled so well it is clear the decision was right.
One lead returned and I enclose a couple of photos of Musto on our patio. He just loves the space in the garden and is very relaxed out there. He's eating well and is happy to be left at night when we go to bed. I have left him on his own for about 20mins a couple of times and he seemed to cope with that well. Tomorrow I have a meeting in the village so may be away for about an hour so we'll see how he goes. The signs are fine as he hasn't show any separation anxiety so far. The only concerns are his hatred of the car and he is not keen when Robert comes home in his overalls, but as soon as he speaks he's ok - a throwback to his early farming life perhaps? He sits as soon as we hear a car on the lane, but does have a tendency to try and chase once it's passed. I am now aware and make sure this can not happen. Bouncy when you have the inclination to play but happy to lie and watch things when there's no play. Very affectionate. The vet I usually see is on holiday so have an appointment in 10 days when she is back but he is now registered with our vets. Paw still a bit sore but clean and healthy.
Once again thank you for the time you gave to us. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes to you and all your canine friends.
Lesley & Robert Warburton
Friday, 1 August 2014
Update from Milo
Dear Auntie Sarah and Uncle Paul,
Thought I'd better let you know how I'm doing.
It's been such a long time since I came up North but I
haven't forgotten my stay with you. As you can see I
make myself at home wherever I am - not supposed to
be on the furniture but what's a dog got to do to be comfortable?
My mum and dad said they'll bring me down to one of your
open days so you can see what a good boy I am (???!!!).
Lots of love, Milo x
Update from Stitches
Hi Sarah and Paul. Stitch is doing really well. It feels like he
has been here for ever. We have got him a pool is play in.
Here is a pic of him in it. Hope you like it. Also tomorrow
afternoon he is having his first trip to the beach. I will send pic.
Hope you are all well.
Lucy, Nath and Stitch. Xx
Upate from Lassie
Hi guys some pics of Lassie going great been out long
walk this morning and this afternoon can't thank u enough
going to write a great thread on u guys!!!
Kind regards
Karen and Lee
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