Friday, 20 February 2015

Update from Candy pup

Candy seems to be settling in ok.
The two of them yesterday evening.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Update from Archie

We were lucky enough to take Archie home with us on 20th January 2013. It was a snowy day and we almost didn’t come to see him because of the conditions but we are so very glad we did. A year ago he moved up to Cumbria with us and his best pal, Gus. Yesterday Gus was at the vets and Archie had his first day without his big brother which worried him no end. So we went for a nice walk together until we could go and collect Gus. I thought you would like to see a photo of our happy little man on Rannerdale Knotts, enjoying the little bit of scrambling he got to do.  Thank you so much for introducing us to this wonderful little dog. We can’t imagine our lives without him now.

Best wishes, Jenny Meton

Update from Bobby pup

Hi guys
Thought you may like a quick update on hurricane Bobby.
Day 4 now and Mavi and Bob are finally bonding. They charge around with a sock between them playing tug together. It's wonderful to see.
Bobby has been to his new garden every day, he seems unimpressed but remains on his lead just now and will love it when he can run free with Mav.
He is still shy but allows people to stroke him and he's great with dogs.
We know it's early days, but he's a total joy who makes us smile. He loves cuddles and is very affectionate.
Thank you so much and enjoy your walk today
Denise and Bobby xx

Update from BlackJack (now Alfie)

Hi Paul, Sarah,

Alfie is now chipped and has our details and your details stored away. He’s registered with an independent vet, and we have a freezer full of Albion meat products! He has already learned to sit before crossing roads with barely any help from us at all. The thing that scares him most is his own reflection! Even his own shadow – very strange! But he seems very happy and content – which is the main thing.

Take care


Update from Diesel (now Danny)

Danny is doing really well - he has a lovely nature, is full of curiosity and only occasionally gets carried away and does some barking. He sticks close to Wag during walks, and they get on well, with a bit of play fighting. He has been  off the lead on the beach this week and he is good at coming back - he loves running after a stick or ball (Wag looks very bored at this behaviour) He is friendly with people, and only occaionally pulls on the lead now. The next big step will be more meetings with other dogs, and a trip to the vet next week.  I will try to attach a photo Christine took the other day of a bit of play on the kitchen floor! They both got into the same dog bed at one point this week.
He is a great addition to the family.
all the best
Andrew and Christine 

Update from Diesel

Paul,Sarah - just to let you know that journey home went well yesterday, one brief stop only, as traffic was heavy. Diesel/Danny travelled pretty well, and was very excited/inquisitive at discovering our lane/garden/house.
Wag has been a bit on his dignity (hard to imagine I know) and issued the odd small grumble, but Danny is so overwhelmingly friendly that I think things will work out between them; they have had a couple of play fights this morning, and Danny is already trying to lie down as close to Wag as he can when they sleep.
We decided on the name Danny while driving home - since he seems so straightforward, and very much a boy! Obviously the name is new, but he does seem to respond well to a whistle.  What is already obvious is that he has a very affectionate nature, but is a worrier - Christine had to go out to a meeting and he got immediately very anxious - also when I let Wag out on his own, he ran up and down frantically.   So far only problem is tendency to wee indoors, but we are trying to watch him closely and get him outside as quick as possible. He has eaten quite well.
Have obviously not let him off the lead so far, but he seems to be inquisitive rather than wishing to run off. They are both asleep at present ( and were fine overnight) but shall shortly take them down to the beach for a walk.
I think you have provided us with a really lovely dog - thank you!