Sunday, 28 November 2010

Letter from Alfie pup & family

Dear Sarah and Paul;
We got home with Alfie in good shape yesterday evening. He had a drink, something to eat, and then went into the garden which he explored before doing what dogs do best in gardens! Having done all that at fairly breakneck speed, he came back in and claimed his bed, which is his space, chewed some toys and settled down. He joined us in our sitting room while we had tea and we had some play-time. Alfie was a bit suspicious of the log fire, which we kept guarded, but liked the sheep-skin rug in front of it.
He was restricted to the kitchen overnight, and seemed to have a quiet night, and greeted us in the morning with wags. He was clean overnight and went out into the garden to do his business before eating a bit of breakfast.
He was a bit suspicious of the washing-up machine but bravely stood back and had a good look at it, however he definitely does not like the hoover and left the room smartly! He did come back a couple of times, but never quite plucked up the courage to face this noisy machine. He'll get used to it in time.
We took him with us to muck out the pony this morning. Alfie was reluctant to get into the car, so Kate got in first and Bruce carried him in. Once in he was quite comfortable. He stayed in the car at the stables most of the time and watched proceedings with interest. We took him out to meet Penny (Kate's Fell Pony), who was a bit big and scary, but he got on OK with Elizabeth (a short-legged Shetland). Reluctant again to get into the car for the return journey (the engine was not running), so Kate carried him in and he settled down OK on the back seat. We'll repeat this morning routine and suspect that he will get used to it in time and overcome his worries.
We had a great game with a ball in the garden. Alfie has a good pounce and likes the chase. He gave up the ball gently and has discovered that hiding under the picnic table is a good game! He is learning to "come" and we played the "running between us" game and Bruce even managed to entice him away from his ball and come to him. He always sits when getting a treat and takes it gently.
Alfie went for his first local walk to the Post Office this morning (about 1/2 mile there and back). He was surprisingly good on the lead, though the walk took a bit longer than normal as there were all sorts of strange smells to explore! We met a couple of local dogs, and they introduced themselves in the traditional manner! Alfie was very good with them. He was good too with the people we met, though he did bark at one couple who were striding out a bit and may have looked a bit threatening. He did not pull to try and get to them - just barked (thinking about it that is the first time we have heard him bark) - so it was probably a "protection" thing. We'll have to work on introducing him to strangers. He is learning to "sit" at the road kerb and wait to cross on an "over" command. He seems to pick things up quite quickly.
Some pictures attached.
Thank you for all the information that you gave us and for spending so much time with us.
Bruce and Kate


Letter from Spot (Magnificent Seven Pup) & family

Hi Sarah and Paul,

Just to let you know Spot slept all the way home which was great, he walked into the house and was greeted with a rather bewildered grumpy cat! Not that that worried him being mr confident he carried on exploring and settled down, when it came time for bed we put him in his crate and he snuggled up in his bed, he wasn't overly happy being left on his own overnight but nothing worse than we expected and he finally settled, not that Jen or I really slept properly waiting for him to stir!!! But at 6am I think we had all had enough and we decided to take a wonder around the garden!! 

He seems to have settled really well and is playing with his new toys and already worked out that the garden is the place to go to the loo! Although there has been a couple of mishaps! The cats are coming around and he has already become a huge character in the family! What was life like before him.... 

Thank you so much to everyone we met at wiccaweys for making us feel so welcome and giving us the time and support to find the right dog, Spot is super and we are overjoyed with having him!!! And all the funny things he does! We will keep in touch with regard his progress!!!


Andy Morris

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Letter com Toby & family

Hi Sarah & Paul,

Just a quick note to let you know that Toby is settling in well, he likes the chaise we have by the window, its a good place to watch the world outside and he has decide he likes his bed beside the sofa which he is now curled up in and sleeping soundly!

Thank you so much for allowing us to adopt Toby , he is such a wonderful, affectionate boy. We'll keep you posted on his new family adventure.

Thanks again,

Steve & Sue.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Letter from Charlie & family

Hello Sarah and Paul
Charlie is the laddie on the right  hand side of Jeff in the photo of our pack and he has now been with us for 18 months. From being a loose wire in the circuit when he arrived Charlie (Registered on the Kennel Clubs working dog register as Prince Charlie of Wiccaweys) has settled into our pack which also now includes 2 Papillons who Charlie fusses like an adoptive father.
Like the rest of our dogs Charlie has been introduced to agility for which he shows great aptitude and we hope that he will be competing next year. He also attends the Cambridge Ichthus Dog Training centre on a weekly basis. We are now coming to the end of our bronze certificate course and hope to go on to silver, gold and possibly a heelwork to music course. Charlie positively thrives on the 1 to 1.
We live under (15 feet under literally) the banks of the River Lark near Ely, twice each day our pack get to chase along the bank with a ball, three chase the ball, Charlie and our black collie chase the other three dogs, all have a great time and are as fit as fiddles. Two swim regularly, two swim occasionally, Charlie never swims and seems to have an aversion for water.
The epileptic fits that Charlie suffered when we adopted him gradually petered out as he settled into his new home and it is now over 12 months since his last attack. Watching him have attacks during the first few months was really heartrending and for them to have ceased is more than we dared hope for.
All in all Charlie is a typical B/C, he is extremely clever, he loves life, is a simply wonderful pet and we love him to bits.
Jo and Jo Brett and all the pack.


Letter from Ben & family

Hi Sarah and Paul,

I have been in my new home for 8 weeks now and I am making myself useful around the garden already. My speciality is digging.

Mum takes me for some very very very long walks in the week to keep me busy but there is always time for digging. My fav place to walk is Ampthill Park in the morning where the gang meet for a vigorous game of flyball. Not sure what the ball is for but it is great fun chasing the other Collies. 

You will be pleased to know that Will has had his plaster removed and is back swimming, playing football and waterpolo. My little Bro. Lewis has been the best fun because he chases runs and rolls around on the floor just like me! 

Have to go now the boys are back from school and it’s play time!!! 

Love you both, 

Letter from Lola (now Jess) & family

Hello Paul and Sarah
Here are some photos of Jess as promised.
She makes a nest in a bed of irises to keep her cool during the summer and it is also where she escapes to when she is running away from the wind banging doors inside the house!
She loves the sea.  Not managed to get her swimming yet but she loves charging in and out after stones.  She also loves puddles - in every one she visits she has a drink then a wee - must be some strange doggy logic to that! 
She has a new friend - a male rottweiler!  He's so friendly, and is protective of Jess if another chap looks her way!  It's amazing such a big scary looking dog can be so friendly and caring, whereas she always gets viciously barked at by a shih tzu, pug and westie who live locally!
As I said on the phone, am trying to persuade my friend to adopt a Wiccaweys collie - she grew up with a collie so is, like me, a collieholic!  We both look at your website regularly - those Minstrel pups are gorgeous!
Jemma & Colin


Letter from Murphy & family

Hi Paul and Sarah,

Well Murphy has now been on his first holiday with us to North Yorkshire and he loved the walks over the moors and showing off his newly developing skills of fetching the stick and charging of with his sister Tess along the beaches. Well we also had to endure Nov. 5 again which he wasn't that keen on (neither are we or Billy and Tess) thank goodness that's all over. Murphy continues to settle in well with us and is becoming quite a character! He really is a great boy. Have attached photos of murphy's Yorkshire tour - he can't wait to go back in January.

Best wishes,

David and Judy. Bill,Tess, Fly and Murphy

Letter from Mario (now Milo) & family

Dear Auntie Sarah and Uncle Paul.

Hope you like my photies; I'm settling in very well here EXCEPT they bathed me - what an insult to my dignity!

Oh - and they don't let me jump up on the work surfaces in the kitchen or the dining room table - and why not I ask myself?

Lots of love to you and your volunteers and all my four legged friends.

Hope they soon get homes.

Milo (aka Marrrio)

Letter from Jack (now Hector) & family

Hi Sarah and Paul
Just thought you might like a quick update on Jack.  Well, firstly he had a name change in the car on the way home. We've decided to call him Hector after the dog in Hector's're both probably too young to remember that programme!! (Mike says he's actually been named after the Trojan hero....)
Hector has been absolutely delightful - we can't believe how well he and Betty travelled home together.  After about 5 minutes they both lay down and apart from occasionally popping his head up to check on directions we didn't hear a peep from either of them for the entire journey.
Once we got home we let him explore the garden with Betty and then we took him for a walk along the canal.  He just loves everyone he meets doesn't he?  Thankfully he showed no interest in going swimming unlike Betty!
Betty let him play with all her toys and they are now both fast asleep on their beds, side by side, absolutely exhausted after the day's excitement.
Thank you both so much for letting him come to live with us.  We will most certainly keep you updated.
Lots of love, woofs and thank yous from....
Rae, Mike, Betty and Hector x 

Letter from Lady Mary (now Jay) and family

Dear Sarah and Paul,

Just to let you know that she has settled down very well.
We have changed her name to Jay because she wouldn't respond to Mary or Lady, but now she responds to Jay or a whistle.

She has only had two accidents in the house and she now lets us know when she needs to go. Since she came to us we have heard nothing from her in the night and we think it is wonderful how she has settled down so quickly.

She has porridge withme for her breakfast and then we go for a walk.  She is brilliant in the car and travels well.  She is a happy and lovable dog and has taken to all the family.

Thanking you both,
Mr. E.D.Barker

Friday, 5 November 2010

Letter from Poppy Tibetan Terrier & family

Hi There,
Sorry for the long silence. Have been meaning to write but just never got there.

Life with Poppy is great.  She is so adorable and has now settled completely. I have socialised her with other dogs and now she is happy to run off the lead when we all meet with our dog friends on the field. She wlks happily to the heel and is an amazing happy dog. 

She gets on with our cat Tinkerell now and we bought a new kitten to introduce her to cats as she was not happy at first with Tinkerbell.  Her new kitty sister is Lulubell whom she adores and happily plays with. She takes the whole of Lulubells head gently in her mouth and plays gently with her. 

2 Weeks ago we added to our family with a Great Dane Male 4 years old from the Great Dane Adoption. This is the last of our animal family as there will be no more additions.  Jago (G. Dane) and Pop are best mates and Poppy is definately the dominant figuren the relationship.

We walk 3 times a day, 1 and a half hour in the morning and hour in the afternoon and 30 minutes b4 bed. 

Poppy hates been left alone a you know. So she goes with me when we go out or we get a babysitter in. An old lady who lives near by who adores Pop Pop! She therefore is never left alone.

She has had all her vaccinations as they were due and her deworming. We belong to the vet Aston Lee, in Newport Pagnell.

She is very obedient when we are out on walks. My best friend also has a Great Dane and Poppy loves walking with the Danes and sometime think she is a Great Dane a well.  She runs and tries to chase and keep up with them, it is really funny to watch. She is really a star. 

I have attached some photies of her for you to see!
Fondest regards


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Letter from Nellie & family

Hi Eleanor
Hope your well.
We have just arrived home from a long weekend in Devon with Nellie and some friends, and thought you might like to see a few photos. We went for a walk in the countryside on Saturday where Nellie met a horse. On Sunday we went to Sidmouth beach where Nellie was scared of the waves but she still got a little wet.
She is currently laying in her bed snoozing after a very busy, exciting weekend and we'll all be going for a walk to the woodlands later. She is getting on very well, getting bigger every week. Haven't had any accidents in the house for a while (touch wood) and has been behaving herself. Nellie and Vickie have been to puppy classes for two weeks now and she is walking to heel very well, sitting very well and socialising very well but the re-calling needs quite a bit of work!
Nellie sends her love
Best wishes
Vickie and Mark xx

Letter from Bonnie & family

Hi Sarah and Paul
We had planned to pop in to see you this week as its half-term and we'd (pre-Bonnie) planned to go to Snowdonia, but as she's so young we thought she'd find the welsh hills a bit too much, even with her long-legs, so we've had a few days at home instead, going for some nice walkies and thought we'd send you some pics of her on Lowestoft Beach on Monday.  This is her 2nd visit to the seaside, the first time she was very dainty and wouldnt even get her paws wet, this time she was far more adventurous, jumping over the small waves and trying to bite the foam.  She made friends with 3 collies who were on their holidays too. She had a lovely, lovely day and was shattered in  the car on the way home!!  She's also been over to the Broads and the local river (not so keen on the water there!), so is exploring her new countryside well.  We are definitely going to Snowdonia for Easter and will come and see you on the way home then.   Also looking at buying a nice big tent with a view to camping in Scotland next Summer too.  She is growing fast and the ears are changing rapidly, think she might have at least one sticky-up ear!  She has now got the habit of sitting by the front door when she thinks we're going out, so she doesnt get left behind and often just comes for a ride in the car.  She is a wonderful, affection girl and we love her to  bits.
Will keep in touch!
Anne, Vic, Scott, Ross and Bonnie XXXXXX

Letter from Penny & family

Hi Sarah and Paul,
Penny has settled in brilliantly and seems very happy.  She seems oblivious to the livestock, and enjoyed a trip out in the horsebox on Sunday and calmly sat and watched while we rode. As you said she is quite a busy girl out on walks, but then just relaxes back into a laid back girl in the house. I am so pleased that she has been absolutely fine being left today under Jackie's watchful eye.
Thankyou for giving us so much time on Saturday,
I will post pictures in the next few weeks,
Kind regards,
PS Having said all this she isn't too keen on rabbits!