Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Letter from Charlie & family

Hello Sarah and Paul
Charlie is the laddie on the right  hand side of Jeff in the photo of our pack and he has now been with us for 18 months. From being a loose wire in the circuit when he arrived Charlie (Registered on the Kennel Clubs working dog register as Prince Charlie of Wiccaweys) has settled into our pack which also now includes 2 Papillons who Charlie fusses like an adoptive father.
Like the rest of our dogs Charlie has been introduced to agility for which he shows great aptitude and we hope that he will be competing next year. He also attends the Cambridge Ichthus Dog Training centre on a weekly basis. We are now coming to the end of our bronze certificate course and hope to go on to silver, gold and possibly a heelwork to music course. Charlie positively thrives on the 1 to 1.
We live under (15 feet under literally) the banks of the River Lark near Ely, twice each day our pack get to chase along the bank with a ball, three chase the ball, Charlie and our black collie chase the other three dogs, all have a great time and are as fit as fiddles. Two swim regularly, two swim occasionally, Charlie never swims and seems to have an aversion for water.
The epileptic fits that Charlie suffered when we adopted him gradually petered out as he settled into his new home and it is now over 12 months since his last attack. Watching him have attacks during the first few months was really heartrending and for them to have ceased is more than we dared hope for.
All in all Charlie is a typical B/C, he is extremely clever, he loves life, is a simply wonderful pet and we love him to bits.
Jo and Jo Brett and all the pack.


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