Sunday, 23 October 2011

Letter from Darcy & family

Hi Paul and Sarah,

I thought you might be interested to know how I am getting on in my new family home in Hampshire.  I have been here for 4 weeks now and my how the time has flown. I think Phil and Jackie would say I settled down very quickly and I have been on my best behaviour except for the odd shoe or slipper that I have taken a fancy to. I can still see them but they seem to be very high up!

I loved my warm and comfy crate from the beginning and I sleep so well there, even sneak off sometimes for a bit of peace and quiet. I have lots of toys and just love to play, especially with my ball and all my chewy things. Phil and Jackie play quite well and think its so funny when I race around the garden at top speed. I am being very inquisitive - there so many things that take my fancy - dogs, cats, squirrels and birds oh and falling leaves.

I love to go socialising and training with lots of other puppies and Phil and Jackie would agree that I knock spots off them and generally I am doing very well. I've made loads of friends and they all love me, but I am so adorable and turn on the charm for everyone. The children come quite often and want to be my playmates, but Jackie makes sure I am calm around them as they can be a bit scary! 

Meal times are great and interesting sometimes in my bowl or kong, which I love and sometimes around the garden, but I am clever enough to find it and never leave a scrap. All in all life is pretty good and certainly interesting and I think Phil and Jackie would agree.

Thank you for finding me a lovely new home.


Pictures to follow

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