Monday, 27 February 2012

Letter from Darcy (now Eva) & family

Good morning,
Was it only Sunday we picked her up?!  Feels like she's been here much longer.  She's definitely got her little furry paws under the table!
We changed her name to Eva & she is already coming back to it really well.  She & Muttley are inseparable, it's great to see them playing tug & racey chasey games after only 2 days together.  Mutt has even consented to sharing his toys in the interest of a good game! 
She gives really good cuddles & likes to lean up against my side for an ear scratch.  This morning I sat down & instantly had Mutt on my lap & Eva against my side - Jas had made me a cup of tea but when he brought it in I didn't have a hand spare!   

Thank you for letting her adopt us.  I'll send over some pictures when I have a minute to get them off the camera. 
Best wishes & two very waggy tails,
Flic, Jas, Muttley & Eva

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