Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Letter from Goldie & Millie

Hi Paul and Sarah
We have moved after 3 years on the market and have finally sold our house and are now resident in the Highlands of Scotland, me going back to my roots, we had a very traumatic time with a quick sale on then maybe etc., and after 3 weeks in the caravan whilst we secured our new home.  We have settled now since 20th April, that is just a month and goodness how time flies.
Goldie and Millie had a few issues which is completely understandable, but now they are really settled our home is in a small fishing village called Balintore and the rear of our house is 40 paces from an award winning beach, as you could say doggy heaven, plenty of room for them to run around about a mile away is a walk along the coast on narrow fields to the next village some 5 miles away.
What prompted me to make contact today was that both Goldie and Millie decided it was time for a swim in the sea and they jumped off the rocks into the sea and swam all the way back to the beach and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

kind regards

Stan and Jean Delbridge

Letter from Molly & Brucie (now Dandy) & family

Hello Sarah and Paul,
Attached 4 photos of Molly and Dandy (Brucie) having fun in the snug and in our garden.
Margaret and Peter Adams


Letter from Cap (now Casper) & family

Sarah and Paul

Just wanted to let you know that we got cap home safely (following the visit to the vet where he had to be sedated to remove his stitches) 

We have renamed him Casper (remaining similar to cap) and we adore him and I think its mutual.  He has made himself at home already curling up on both mine and ronnies knees. He,s totally loveable.  

Our girls have done nothing but bark at him and wag their tails and when they get used to another doggie taking their spot on dads knee they will be absolutely fine.

He has christened the house numerous times by spraying up our house plants but hey ho,  I guess we will get him out of that habit soon.

Thanks for letting us bring him home.  we are thrilled to have him in our family.   Will post photos soon.

Best wishes
Paula and Ron Hunt

Letter from Spring & family

Hi Sarah and Paul
We thought you would like to know that Spring has settled in and seems to be a very happy little girl. She and Rosie get on so well and Rosie is as we thought being very tolerant and teaching her a few things!!!  She is a very happy, mischievious puppy and makes us laugh.
She has settled into a night time routine fine - we have allowed her in our bedroom but she immediately goes to sleep and dosnt move until the alarm goes off - then we stand no chance and its wet noses and those foxy eyes saying 'come on its morning and I need a wee now!'
We took her to the village dog show yesterday were she was great. Loads of dogs and she was so good and really socialble. Everyone adored her.  I will send you a few photos soon once I have downloaded them.
P.S from Abi
I really love having Spring here we play lots of games together it's soooo fun! :) I've taught Spring to jump over a few jumps and shes even gone through my tunnel!! :) I help dad take her and Rosie out for their morning walk each day and shes a bundle of fun!! She follows me everywhere, we play hide and seek where i run somewhere in the house and she follows me but she has to find me!!! It's very fun! Shes had a very fun Jubilee with having lots of cuddels on the sofa! :) Shes full of character and I love how her toung sticks out the side of her mouth when shes happy! ;) Shes the best doggy in the world (along with Jakey and Rosie) and I love her very much!  Hope you had a good Jubilee.
All the best
Sally, Tom, Abi, Rosie and Spring

Letter from Bonnie & family

Dear Sarah, Paul, Eleanor and all my friends at Wiccaweys
Mum said I should let you know that I am now registered with the Kennel Club as Wiccaweys Bonnie Babe.  Mum and I have been doing Rally Obedience on our weekly girls' night out and we are doing our first show on 24 June.  We are a bit nervous but want to make you very proud so we will try our very best to do well.
I have been at my new house now for over a year.  Mum says I'm a bit bossy with Ernie, my big brother, and I have dug a lot of holes in the garden. (I always pretend that it was Ernie doing the digging but mum says that my muddy nose gives the game away!)  I am very happy in my new home but still miss you all.
Ernie and me send you lots of kisses and mum and dad send their best wishes.
With love

Letter from Sonny (now Sunny) & fmaily

Hello from Dot, Darryl and Sunny
What a big Sunday, car ride to Milton Keynes , trip around the boot sale, ball games at Furzton Lake and finish off at pets at home. How could anybody not want this beautiful animal?

Thank you for completing our little zoo he fits in really well

Love xx


Letter from Lucky & family

woof woof paul/sarah.
just to let u know i arrived at the hotel safely seems to be very nice.  owners very accomadating can't do enough for u, nice sofa in the sun lounge over looking the garden, bedroom has a sheepskin mattress & drinks bar food is ok. think i might stay here for the foreseeable future, going to have a word with the owner
he is a fabulous dog slept on the way home & slept in his crate all night, has not left my side we arrived home getting on well with jamie.
                                                                          many thanks Anne&John

Letter from Betsy (now Daisy)

Just wanted to send you a quick update on our lovely Wiccs dog that we adopted a year ago. We took home Daisy (she was known as Betsy then, the little dog with the big ears and who ran in a circle if you blew a raspberry, she still does this little party piece!) She has blossomed from a scared timid girl into a lovely faithful companion.

    She is very obedient, loves her walks and her ball and is an excellent footballer, she is still scared of people she doesn't know and isn't that keen on other dogs, if they get in her face she soon tells them off but she is getting better and more confident everyday, we understand her first 3 years were spent in a shed so she can be forgiven for not being particularly sociable. She is very intelligent and quick to learn, a bit too quick sometimes, she soon learnt that when the alarm went off it meant a walk, she now leaps on the bed and barks when she hears it, not always a good thing at 6am! 

     We never thought we would be able to replace our beloved rescue dog who we lost last year but she has filled that gap and we wouldn't be without her. She is the centre of attention and all our good intentions such as not allowing her on the bed or the furniture were soon broken!   She loves the sea, running, her ball, food and most importantly us. She really is spoiled rotten. 

      I have enclosed a few photos of her and just wanted to let you know we are looking after her and she is thriving. You do a brilliant job at Wiccaweys and thanks for letting us have Daisy.

Kind regards
Melissa, Clint and Daisy the dog.




Letter from Sam & Max (now Rex)

Hi Paul & Sarah,
Just a quick email to update you on how Sam and Rex (Max)are getting on, they’ve both settled down nicely.   I’ve booked them in for some sheep dog training in September so they can help me with the sheep.
Paul & Carolyn