Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Letter from Betsy (now Daisy)

Just wanted to send you a quick update on our lovely Wiccs dog that we adopted a year ago. We took home Daisy (she was known as Betsy then, the little dog with the big ears and who ran in a circle if you blew a raspberry, she still does this little party piece!) She has blossomed from a scared timid girl into a lovely faithful companion.

    She is very obedient, loves her walks and her ball and is an excellent footballer, she is still scared of people she doesn't know and isn't that keen on other dogs, if they get in her face she soon tells them off but she is getting better and more confident everyday, we understand her first 3 years were spent in a shed so she can be forgiven for not being particularly sociable. She is very intelligent and quick to learn, a bit too quick sometimes, she soon learnt that when the alarm went off it meant a walk, she now leaps on the bed and barks when she hears it, not always a good thing at 6am! 

     We never thought we would be able to replace our beloved rescue dog who we lost last year but she has filled that gap and we wouldn't be without her. She is the centre of attention and all our good intentions such as not allowing her on the bed or the furniture were soon broken!   She loves the sea, running, her ball, food and most importantly us. She really is spoiled rotten. 

      I have enclosed a few photos of her and just wanted to let you know we are looking after her and she is thriving. You do a brilliant job at Wiccaweys and thanks for letting us have Daisy.

Kind regards
Melissa, Clint and Daisy the dog.




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