Hi Auntie Sarah & Uncle Paul,
I nose u fink Im a speshel chap but I bet you didnt nose that I is Magic !Yep I
'ave Magic Ears the foto I 'ave put wiv this letter shows u both my Magic Ears -
he he . My ears gets all Magic wen I is getting excited + 'speshelee wen I is
waiting for Mummy to get me breakfast ready .I also do "The Wilfie Bum Shuffle"
which is me getting all excited and wiggly me back + botty along Mummy + Daddys
wooden bed .The other day I spotted the end of a loaf of bread in a bag in the
bin ,it looked sooooo scrummy I decided to help meself
them Mummy
caught me 'running' off into the garden with it .She wasnt cross or anything she
just didnt want me to eat the bag so she was trying to catch me
I was holding
that bag real tight and then mum told me she would give me a nice treat if I
dropped the bag so I did .
Sending you both lots of Wilfie Love
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