Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Letter from Jack & family

Its a year since we went to the Wiccaweys show, to show how well Merlin was getting on after we found him at Wiccaweys in March last year, and having followed young Jack on the website being left behind week after week with no one noticing his little face. I made the big mistake of talking to Sarah saying how surprised I was that he was still at HQ and why had he not been adopted.... aaaaagh big mistake within half hour we were at HQ walking him and after a week of thinking about it we came up and took him home.

Jack and Merlin hit it off like brothers and the fun began, they play fight all day every day until Merlin says enough?  Merlin and Jack are the most fantastic dogs they are just so loving, great with everyone and other dogs.. just the cats at HQ they have been back a few times to check out and supervise the new kennels and gave the cats a right old time, don't understand what cats are doing in a dog rescue.
We just had a week in our caravan in north Cornwall, we let jack off his lead on the beach for the first time and discovered he is into water sport a true water baby.

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